Thursday, November 01, 2007

One of the Serra's....

Last week one of Richard Serra's sculptures arrived at LACMA. I work on the 5th floor of the LACMA West building, formally the May Co. Out on the balcony we had a spectacular view and I was able to take a bunch of photos. Serra's sculptures are enormous and transform space. Two of his sculptures will be on view in LACMA's new contemporary art building, Broad Contemporary Art Museum, opening in mid-February. The artwork arrived in pieces on semi-trucks.
Here is the view of the new building from my office.

Check out how the pieces of the sculpture dwarfs the trucks!

See the man on the ladder at the top of the piece? he's attaching cables from a crane.

The crane is lifting it...

All the pieces that have arrived so far are in a staging area waiting to be installed in the building. I still can't fathom how that will happen! Exciting times at LACMA!!!

1 comment:

Ellen Bloom said...

Excellent photos of the installation! I can't wait to see it in person.